Archive for June, 2008

Ouchhhhh and a side of evil!!

Posted: June 26, 2008 in infertility, iui, tww

So I had to go to my RE’s clinic this morning for blood work.  Today they tested for progesterone.  Nurse Evil called and told my progesterone looks great.  I didn’t get a number from her because it doesn’t matter…remember I’m Pregnant With A Possibility!  July 3rd is my beta. 

I have terrible veins, I inherited them from dad.  The nurses know that I have one good vein in my arm, the other good one is in my left hand.  I always get the nurse that doesn’t do hands. This bitch always uses a needle that’s too large (I need the butterfly) and she always blows the vein by going through it. It’s right under my skin, there is no need to go digging for gold in my arm.  Since I’m in the foulest mood EVER, I told her about herself today.  I told her I think jabs hard on purpose and I don’t want her to do my beta next week.  She feigned innocence and apologized, but I know better – bitch is just EVIL!

Back to me being in the foulest mood ever.  I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I’m hateful as ever.  It all started yesterday on my way home from work.  Dallas traffic is horrible and I hate it on an average work day.  Yesterday the traffic just unnerved me.  I need someone to explain the logistics of traffic to me. Why does the passing lane come to a complete stop and the other lanes move so quickly?  And why do I always get behind someone who thinks they can control traffic by driving SLOWER than everyone else?  By the time I got home I was frothing from the mouth.  Then I tried to relax by watching the news.  Bad idea, the news was so depressing and there is a weather man here that has terrible allergies.  He can’t get through a sentence without coughing.  A normal person would change the channel.  Not my hateful ass, I screamed at him and told him he needs a new job where he doesn’t need to speak. Finally I turned the tv off and went to the office to check emails.  The computer was slow as molasses.  I banged on the keys, turned the modem off and on, screamed at it.  Normal stuff, I just couldn’t take it. Then this morning I woke up mad as a hornet.  The puppies were working on my nerves, our older Shi Tzu was working on my nerves, I was working on my nerves!  Dealing with Nurse Evil this morning didn’t help my mood.  Maybe it’s the hormones from my Pregnancy With A Possibility, or maybe I’m just hateful!

I’m 6DPIUI today.  I don’t know if I have any symptoms; in my mind I’m pregnant so everything I’m feeling is a symptom.  I have the same cramps that I’ve had since the IUI.  Just a few minutes ago I convinced myself that the wave of nausea that hit me was morning sickness.  I scared the shit out of my Best Friend In The Whole Wide World by telling her that I’m pregnant.  She started screaming in the phone and I had to interrupt her celebration by telling her that I’m SPEAKING my pregnancy into existence.  If she didn’t live thousands of miles away I think she would have hit me!  I truly want to believe that if I can convince my mind that I’m pregnant that I will be pregnant. 

My husband and I had a long talk last night.  My 40th birthday is in November and my husband is 34.  We went into this IUI knowing that the probability of getting pregnant is very low.  Our RE was very honest with us, but we wanted to chance it before doing IVF.  Our plan was to do the IUI and if it’s not successful to do IVF.  Well last night we changed our plans.  We decided that we’re not going to do IVF.  We have to pay out of pocket since insurance doesn’t cover infertility treatments.  While we have the funds available to us, IVF is not guaranteed.  Paying $15,000 out of pocket in this economy…well it doesn’t make sense to us right now.  Surprisingly, both of us are okay this decision.  We know that we have done everything possible to start a family.  So this is why I’m speaking my pregnancy into existence.  This is it and this is all it will be unless our insurance changes.   And you know what?  That’s okay, because if we’re not pregnant, life will go on.  It will be a little quieter, but it will go on.  


Posted: June 23, 2008 in Uncategorized
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I’m still crampy and I’m having twinges from both ovaries.  I ovulated from both ovaries, so I guess that makes sense.  I might need to back off reading stuff on the internet. There’s too much information out there and I’m a self diagnosed hypochondriac so I don’t need any help.  I want to stay as relaxed as possible during the two week wait.  That’s easier said than done. 

So Friday afternoon Shug (my husband) called me to let me know that he found two puppies.  He went on and on about how he wants to keep them.  Now mind you we already own Clyde the Shi Tzu.  He was so excited about how affectionate and cute the puppies were.  How could I say no.  So I braced myself for meeting them when I got home.  They are the most adorable puppies!  They had to have run away or got loose, because they’re well fed and healthy.  We decided to name them Chloe & Tchopitoulas (a street from our home town New Orleans).  We’ve been looking around my parents neighborhood and also a little beyond to see if anyone has put up flyers.  We’re taking them to vet tomorrow to get them checked out, but they seem pretty healthy.  If no one is looking for them, we’re definitely going to keep them. They’re a great distraction during the two week wait!  


Posted: June 21, 2008 in infertility, iui, ivf, ttc, tww
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So I’m trying to figure wordpress out. I have no idea, how to make this thing work. I’m thinking of importing my Live Journal account to this one. But I’m also thinking about keeping them separate.  I have to figure out HOW to  import before I do anything.

So today is the second day past my IUI.  I’m still crampy and just a little bloated.  I guess all of this is normal.  I was perfectly primed for the IUI.  My lining was thick, I was ovulating from both ovaries, and Shel had a 58 million count.  We couldn’t ask for more. Now it’s in God’s hands.  If it’s his will, then it will be. Prayerfully it’s in His will…..

My very first blog…

Posted: June 20, 2008 in Uncategorized

Well that’s not entirely true. I’ve had a Live Journal blog for about two years.  I’ve always wanted another blog, but just never got around to it.  I couldn’t think of a name for my blog, but since I love all things fish I figured Fish Bait would be a good to start with.  I may or may not change it, that depends.

A little information about me.  I’m 39, happily married to the love of my life. My husband is 34 and wonderful.  September 17th will be our third anniversary.  We have been trying to start a family since March 2005.  In 2006 I had surgery to remove several fibroids, we thought that was the cure. It wasn’t! In September of 2007 I started seeing a new doctor who diagnosed me with a Luteal Phase Defect, I didn’t produce enough progesterone after I ovulated. We unsuccessfully tried four medicated cycles before he referred us to our current RE.  In January 2008 I was finally correctly diagnosed with PCOS. On March 27th an HSG discovered that my right tube was blocked.  I had surgery on April 18th. The surgery was somewhat successful, but the scar tissue was extremely hard to break through. The tissue was hard as concrete. He removed as much as possible.  We had our first and prayerfully only  injectables (Follistim & Ovidrel) IUI yesterday.  Everything went as well as it could. Now we wait.