Posts Tagged ‘Acupuncture’


It’s a long shot,

but we are going forward with medicated cycles.

Met.formi.n, Let.raz.ole & P.r.omet.rium.

Along with acupuncture and herbs.

The first cycle will be monitored.

We’ll start on CD 3 next month.

And can I say thank you?

You all have been so supportive.

I thank God for all of you!


let’s all do the Happy Dance!!


First of all,

I’m feeling much better.

Still having a little pain,

but nothing like the severe pain that I experienced on Monday.

So anyway,

I’m not ready to give up on trying to make a baby.

I’ve been thinking about calling my doctor.

I want to try a few medicated cycles.

I’ve never tried a medicated cycled along with

and acupuncture.

It’s cheaper than IUI;

and since IVF is out of the question

it’s seems like it’s totally do-able.

I just made the appointment,

before I talked myself out of it.

I have a consultation scheduled on Tuesday at 10:45 AM.

Yay me!!

I’ve also been thinking about  BRAC Analysis.

I think I should do it.

And if it’s possible,

I’ll do it on Tuesday.

Shug is all for the testing,

he’s not excited about the medicated cycles.

And I understand where he’s coming from;

but since we can’t afford to do IVF

I feel like we should be doing something.

ANYTHING other than nothing!

I know it’s a long shot,

but I want to try.

I’m just not ready to give up yet.

For some strange reason,

I still have hope.

img00236-6I’m over the ick.

Thank God!

I had a great weekend.

Shug & I chilled.

Made the most of my fertile time.

Acupuncture on Saturday morning was AMAZING.

She changed one of my herbs after looking at my tongue.

It’s the one for circulation.

The new herb is a little stronger.

We went to the movies last night.

We saw the new J.a.son Sta.tha.m movie. V.ol.tag.e

Lots of action & hilarious at the same time.

So that’s it.

This week is starting out great.

And for that I’m thankful.


My period started early yesterday morning.

29 days this time.

I shed a few tears,

but I felt okay.

I felt………..hopeful.

Maybe the acupuncture has something to do with this.

I don’t know.

Whatever it is – I’m rolling with it

because I’m feeling kinda good!

No PMDD symptoms at all yesterday.

None today either.

I did take half of a little blue pill this morning.

Although, I probably could have gotten away without taking it.

But I didn’t want to take a chance with the evil.

I feel good,

and I could definitely get used to this!

get-in-there1I had my first acupuncture session last Saturday.

We spent the about an hour going over my medical history.

Then she checked my tongue and my pulse.

She told me that my circulation is slower than it should be for my age.

Our plan is to decrease my stress level (easier said than done).

And increase the circulation and blood flow to my uterus.

She started by inserting needles in my feet, shins, stomach, hands, arms, ears, back of the neck and my forehead.

Then she placed a an electrical stimulus on a few of the needles.

She covered my eyes,

turned down the lights

and left me.

She opened the door a while later

and asked if I was okay.

I was.

She came in again,

I don’t know how much later it was because I was knocked out.

She twisted some the needles,

I think she called it stirring my chi –

but I really don’t remember because I was so relaxed.

She left me for a while.

I awoke to her saying my name softly,

 and proceeded to burst out in tears.

I was so embarrassed,

but she said that it was a good thing.

It shows the treatment is having an effect on me.

I got it all out,

fixed my clothes and walked to the front desk.

She gave me two bottles of Chinese herbs.

Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan for fertility.

Si Wu Tang Wan for circulation.

I take both twice a day.

They’re cute little tiny pellets.

I left there feeling so unbelievably relaxed.

I’ll see Dr. Tang once a week

for three to six months.

And maybe,

just maybe…………..

maybe we’ll get pregnant.