Posts Tagged ‘ttc’

Thank you!

I have wonderful bloggy friends!

Thank you for the words of encouragement,

the offers to fund raise,

and the general support.

Thank you for holding my hand.

Thank you for listening.

I appreciate you ladies so much.

I’m still feeling the same way,

but you ladies have put  a lot on mind.

I appreciate that none of you are letting me off that easy.

I will take your advice into consideration,

and keep you posted on what we decide to do.

In the meantime,

I am truly humbled by you all!

Anniversary 91809We ate here on Friday night.

We were going to go dancing at a jazz club in Dallas,

but we decided to go home and honeymoon instead.

We had a great night.

The service was outstanding,

and the food was delicious!

We didn’t do much over the weekend.

We watched college football on Saturday,

and then professional football yesterday.


The Saints look really good this season

Too bad we live in Cowboys country!

I don’t want to laugh at their misfortune,

but they are a team we love to hate!

Not much else is going on in our lives right now.


it’s Monday!

RosesLovely roses greeted me when I got home from work yesterday.

Shug is so sweet.

We had dinner at my parent’s house.

Tonight we have a date.

I don’t know where we’re going,

but we have dinner reservations at 7PM.

I think we’re going to go to a jazz club after that,

but I’m not sure because Shug has the night planned

and it’s all a secret.

My Shug,

I love him!

We took a break on the fertility meds this month.

That 32 day cycle proved that I didn’t ovulate when I supposed to.

I’m not certain if I’m going to take them again.

I have three refills left,

so we’ll see.

Enough infertility talk!

I’m having a lovely day,

and I’m looking forward to having a lovely evening

with Shug.

Sharing the cake topper on our first anniversary.

Sharing the cake topper on our first anniversary.

Four years ago today we got married.

Three weeks after Hurricane Katrina.

Three weeks after we lost everything.

It was a small,

but perfect ceremony.

Just family and close friends.

We exchanged white gold wedding bands that we purchased  from a Zales outlet for $500.

A year later Shug got me a beautiful wedding set.

As much as I love my rings;

I only wear them on weekends

or on special occasions.

I wear my simple band everyday.

It was purchased with all that we had,

and it’s more precious than anything that I own.

I love him with all that I have.

And he loves me as well.

He’s my heart.

I wish that I could give him what I know he wants.




I love you Shug!

Thank you for making me your wife.


My period started this morning.

I was hoping it wouldn’t,

but I knew it would.

I don’t know how I feel.

I’m not devastated,

but I am tired.

I’m tired of hoping,


and praying.

I’m tired of waiting.

Why not us?


questionWhere’s my period?

I took my last progesterone pill on August 29th.

I usually start two days after my last pill.

I’m a little crampy,

it feels like I’m going to start,

but I’ve felt like this for a few days.

No PMDD this month either.

I’m too scared to test,

and I’m too scared to get my hopes up.

I’m sure my period will start today now that I’ve asked the question.

I’m not going to do anything until Friday.

That way if I start,

I won’t have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing a negative test.

Oh well,

I guess we’ll see.

hbpI’m headed to the doctor today.

My blood pressure has been elevated lately.

I’m not surprised with everything that has been going on.

High blood pressure runs in my family.

My daddy has it.

My oldest brother has it.

My other brother has heart disease.

I’ve had borderline high blood pressure for about seven years.

So when I noticed it creeping up,

and staying up

panic set in.

I’m also 30 lbs heavier than I was last year at this time.

I know that is a factor also.

Isn’t high blood pressure associated with PCOS?
Yes it is. But it can be managed with weight control, low sodium diet & exercise.

How does all of this factor into us trying to conceive?
HUGE FACTOR!  She can’t prescribe hbp medication while I’m trying to conceive.  Well that’s not entirely true. There are two medications that she could prescribe. I had a bad reaction to one and she refuses to prescribe the other because the side effects are horrible.

What if I get pregnant?
In her words, “That would be wonderful”! But I’m setting myself up for a hard pregnancy if I don’t get myself together right now.

Can pregnant women take blood pressure medication?
Since my hbp is still borderline, she wants me to lose the 30 lbs that I have gained and an additional 20 lbs.  Eat a low sodium and low cholesterol diet. And get my fat lazy ass back in the gym at least five times a week. 

Oh well, I guess I’ll find out what my PCP has to say about all of this.
She’s not happy with the blood pressure or the weight gain. As long as I’m trying to conceive her hands are tied. It’s up to me to handle my blood pressure. I have a follow up appt in 12 weeks. She said there has to be significant changes in my weight & blood pressure at that appointment. Otherwise, we will  need to speak about how healthy it is to continue trying to conceive. 

That was all the motivation that I needed, time to get serious again and get back into fighting shape.


Cletus Sleeping 2

It’s not fun to be in the tww without any hope.

Thank God Cletus is around.

He’s a snuggler.

That’s my legs that he’s made his pillow.

He makes me smile



CletusI miss The Tchoupitoulas so much.

He’s been gone for a month.

And as much as it hurts,

we’re doing our best to heal.

Cletus is making it easier.

He’s so funny.

He makes us laugh every day.

We’re thankful for that.

We’re still trying to make a baby.

Medicated cycles aren’t helping.

We need IVF.

We can’t afford IVF.

We could afford IVF if we do it internationally.

We’re seriously looking into that.

So that’s it.

We’re still hurting,

but we’re also moving forward with life.

We’re healing.

that’s all!