Posts Tagged ‘Sick’

I’m sickie y’all!

Posted: February 9, 2010 in Uncategorized
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Instead of eating lunch,

I took a nap in our lounge.

My body hurts,

my throat is sore,

I’m congested,

and I feel like shit


I’m sickie y’all!!

img00234But not really.

I’m still feeling icky.

The headache is still lingering.

The nausea & trots are gone.

But I still don’t feel well.

I can’t describe it.

I feel run down.

Whatever it is,

I hope it goes away



this is how I look today.

It started with headache last night.

I took Tylenol 3 to make sure it would away.

This morning the headache came back,

but it brought a friend with it…….


It’s CD 11,

so I know it’s not anything other than ickiness.

I wish it would go away though.

We did get some good news today.

Grandma is being released from the hospital.

She should be home now.

The pneumonia is clearing up,

and she is little more oriented than she was over the weekend.

They still don’t know why she was so disoriented.

Prayerfully she’ll continue to get better.

Asking for prayers…

Posted: April 9, 2009 in Family
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We’re headed to Baton Rouge.

It’s not a planned trip,

and it’s definitely not for pleasure.

Shug’s 96 year old grandmother fell and hit her head yesterday.

She’s not doing too well today.

Please keep us in your prayers.

I’ve been sick with a bad head cold since Monday.  I saw my primary care physician yesterday, I needed some relief.  I will never understand how I’m stopped up with a runny nose. I just don’t feel well.  The first thing she asked me was if it’s possible that I’m pregnant.  I told her anything is possible, but with me it’s not probable.  She wanted to do blood work to rule mono but she also did a pregnancy test. Both tests were negative.  

The thing is, I’m okay with the test being negative.  I really am.  When I’m ready to share how I have been feeling about having children; I’ll explain why I’m okay with this negative pregnancy test.  While I’m not disappointed about the negative pregnancy test; I am disappointed because the me.tfo.rmin has kept me regular since I’ve been on it.  Now I have to call my doctor for a refill for pr.ome.trium. I was hoping that I would be able to avoid having to take it.  PCOS is taking over again.  I think my ovaries are back where they started and I’m going to have those long 48 day cycles without intervention. 

So I’m okay, and it feels good to be able to say that and mean it.  For the past three years I’ve said “I’m okay” when I wasn’t.  In the past, I wanted to put up a good front. Today, there is no front – I’m okay.