Archive for the ‘Two Week Wait’ Category

questionWhere’s my period?

I took my last progesterone pill on August 29th.

I usually start two days after my last pill.

I’m a little crampy,

it feels like I’m going to start,

but I’ve felt like this for a few days.

No PMDD this month either.

I’m too scared to test,

and I’m too scared to get my hopes up.

I’m sure my period will start today now that I’ve asked the question.

I’m not going to do anything until Friday.

That way if I start,

I won’t have to deal with the heartbreak of seeing a negative test.

Oh well,

I guess we’ll see.

Cletus Sleeping 2

It’s not fun to be in the tww without any hope.

Thank God Cletus is around.

He’s a snuggler.

That’s my legs that he’s made his pillow.

He makes me smile




My period started bright and early this morning.

I knew it would.

I haven’t cried yet.

I took a whole blue pill instead of half.

I’m trying really hard not question God’s plan.

But I can’t help but ask,

Why not us?

img001471for my period to start.

Today is CD 30.

I just knew it would start yesterday.

I’ve had the cramping, burning nether region for about a week.

As much I as hope, wish and pray that I’m pregnant,

I don’t think that I am.

I guess I’m going back to 32 day cycles.

All I know is that the horrible mood swings are gone.


If my period doesn’t show up by next Sunday,

I’ll POAS.

Until then,

I’ll continue to wait – impatiently.

Because I felt like the F*@k You Up Fairy!

Because I felt like the F*@k You Up Fairy!

I took my first pill today.

My period,

Yeah I said it

Fuck that Aunt Flo bullshit

I’m a grown ass woman

I bleed

I have a PERIOD!

Unfortunately like clockwork

Every 32 days!!!

I usually have PMS a week before I bleed

Sometimes a few days before

But not usually the day of.


My period started this morning

I cried like I usually do

And then I went to work

And the rage started!

Uncontrollable rage.

Shug had to bring me a pill.


It worked

And it worked quickly.

As you can tell

I’m still a little bitchy

But trust and believe

I’m much better than I was earlier today!

I’ll take another tomorrow.

I don’t want the F*&k You Up Fairy to show up again!