Archive for November 3, 2008

Our life is a soap opera

Posted: November 3, 2008 in Family
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Maybe if I don’t type it, it won’t be real……..

One could only wish it was that easy!

Shug had surgery on Friday.  They were able to successfully reconstruct his knee. His Peroneal Nerve was completely severed. He can wiggle his toes, and point his toes down, but he’s not able to pull his foot forward.  He has Foot Drop.  This is probably permanent damage as they were not able to repair the severed nerve.  In about six months, he’ll have a tendon surgery on his left foot.  This surgery should allow him to regain some function and control in his foot. 

He was released from the hospital on Saturday.  We have moved in with my parents.  They are retired and can take care of him during the day.  They took him to have his dressing changed this morning and to his first rehab session.  He’s been up and down emotionally, but he told me last night that he’s ready to fight.  He is in good spirits today and for that I’m thankful.

How am I? Oh, I’m a fucking wreck! I’m already a worrier and now I really have something to worry about.  Our pot is overflowing and I’m prayerful that most if not all of our “Seasoning” is done for the year. Somehow, I get the feeling that we have more drama and intrigue left before this year ends.  We’ll see.  We’re battered, but we’re still standing!